Ant Pest Control

four ants crawling

Ant Extermination in Central Florida

Professional ant extermination, insect and bug control services in Orlando, Orange County, Kissimmee, Osceola County, Maitland, Longwood, Sanford, Seminole County, and the surrounding central Florida areas.

Contact us to speak with us at AWT Central Florida about your ant exterminator needs.

Ants are traveling insects that forage the area in service of the queen and to attend to the queen's offspring. Ants are very aggressive in the defense of their nest sites. Ant nesting sites can often times be in commercial business areas putting workers, customers and other visitors in harm's way of being attacked by these swarming and defensive insects.

With over 6,000 species of ants, the effect of colonizing ants on commercial property may have differing effects and varying degrees of aggression toward those who may unknowingly disturb the ant nest.

Common Ant Hazards & Issues

The obvious is the sting and irritation of even one ant bite. Let along multiple, dozens, or even hundreds of ant bites. Since ants are foragers, they often destroy foliage such as grass, plants, flowers, and other landscaping. In addition, these nesting sights can be unsightly to the image of the landscaping your company has taken great effort to achieve.

When you see an ant hill or nest on your business property, the first thing you should do is pick up the phone and contact a professional ant exterminator and eradication expert at AWT Central Florida by clicking here.

Ant, Insect & Bug Extermination Specialist

Contact us for your ant extermination, insect and bug control service needs in Orlando, Orange County, Kissimmee, Osceola County, Maitland, Longwood, Sanford, Seminole County, and the surrounding central Florida areas.